Tuesday, February 11, 2014

ReactiveMongo - Asynchronous & Non-Blocking Scala Driver for MongoDB

Scale better, use less threads
With a classic synchronous database driver, each operation blocks the current thread until a response is received. This model is simple but has a major flaw - it can't scale that much.
Imagine that you have a web application with 10 concurrent accesses to the database. That means you eventually end up with 10 frozen threads at the same time, doing nothing but waiting for a response. A common solution is to rise the number of running threads to handle more requests. Such a waste of resources is not really a problem if your application is not heavily loaded, but what happens if you have 100 or even 1000 more requests to handle, performing each several db queries? The multiplication grows really fast...
The problem is getting more and more obvious while using the new generation of web frameworks. What's the point of using a nifty, powerful, fully asynchronous web framework if all your database accesses are blocking?
ReactiveMongo is designed to avoid any kind of blocking request. Every operation returns immediately, freeing the running thread and resuming execution when it is over. Accessing the database is not a bottleneck anymore.

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