Sunday, July 31, 2011

Configure LOPA to run on Ubuntu 10.10 (64-bit)

Install Flex SDK on Ubuntu 10.10 (64-bit): (note: the adl in bin folder cannot be executed because the downloaded SDK is for Mac OSX not Linux, you need to download Linux version of AIR SDK from and copy the the Linux version adl over to /opt/flex/bin)

Install AIR SDK on Ubuntu 10.10 (64-bit):

Debug Configuration:

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Scala: Array vs List

Arrays are mutable objects, you can't change the length of an array after it is instantiated. You can change its element values.

val numNames = Array("zero", "one", "two") // is the same as below
val numNames2 = Array.apply("zero", "one", "two")

numNames.update(0, "ZZZ") // update array element

For an immutable sequence of objects that share the same type you can
use Scala’s List class. As with arrays, a List[String] contains only
strings. Scala’s List, scala.List, differs from Java’s java.util.List
type in that Scala Lists are always immutable (whereas Java Lists can be
mutable). More generally, Scala’s List is designed to enable a functional
style of programming.

val oneTwoThree = List(1, 2, 3)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Setting up Flash/AIR to log trace messages to a file

Create the flashlog.txt file
Well, let Flash do it for you.

If you have Flash installed:
Go to wherever you installed Flash (usually C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flash CS4) and open the Players\Debug directory. Run the FlashPlayer.exe file. That’s it.

If you don’t have Flash installed:
Run the flashplayer_10_sa_debug.exe file you downloaded above. Again, that’s it.
This step is required because the Debug Standalone Player is what initially creates the flashlog.txt file where all of your trace() messages will end up. To verify that it’s been created, look for it (in Windows) in C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\Logs or the equivalent if you have some different install scheme.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Scala's result type "Unit"

A result type of Unit indicates the function returns no interesting
value. Scala’s Unit type is similar to Java’s void type, and in fact every
void-returning method in Java is mapped to a Unit-returning method in

def test(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
var i = 0
while (i < args.length) {
i += 1

Monday, July 11, 2011

Useful Addroid Tips

In Android, processes and Applications are two different things. An app can stay "running" in the background without any processes eating up your phone's resources. Android keeps the app in its memory so it launches more quickly and returns to its prior state. When your phone runs out of memory, Android will automatically start killing tasks on its own, starting with ones that you haven't used in awhile.


Friday, July 1, 2011

MDT Blog Post 1 ~ 7


Blog Post: Advanced Deployment Scenarios using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010: (Part 7 of 7)

Custom Edit the Deployment Wizard to Add a New Page In the final part of the seven part series we’ll see how we can do further customizations to the MDT deployments. We’ll use the MDT 2010 Wizard editor from CodePlex to modify our Windows Deployment Wizard . In this demonstration we...
on17 Nov 2010

Blog Post: Advanced Deployment Scenarios using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010: (Part 6 of 7)

Using Linked Deployment Points In our demonstration we have a Test deployment share that has been populated with some deployment assets suchs as application, operating systems, out-of-box drivers and packages. So how do I easily get the deployment assets I’ve tested into a production environment...
on16 Nov 2010

Blog Post: Advanced Deployment Scenarios using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010: (Part 5 of 7)

Configuring the Deployment Point to Use the Configuration Database In order for the properties populated in configuration database to be of any use, the database must be tied to a deployment point. In this demonstration we’ll look at how to configure the database rules which basically tells what needs...
on15 Nov 2010

Blog Post: Advanced Deployment Scenarios using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010: (Part 4 of 7)

Configuring Other Methods in the Configuration Database In this demonstration we’re going to go through creating examples of the other three role methods and will assign role methods created earlier: Refresh User and Managed Computer . With all methods we can associate properties settings, applications...
on12 Nov 2010

Blog Post: Advanced Deployment Scenarios using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010: (Part 3 of 7)

Configuring Role Methods in the Configuration Database Role methods are used to target a group of computers based on a variety of criteria. As you will see there are four types of methods: Computers , Role , Locations , and Make and Model . The Role method is unique in that it can be assigned to other...
on11 Nov 2010

Blog Post: Advanced Deployment Scenarios using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010: (Part 2 of 7)

Create and Explore the Configuration Database The Microsoft Deployment Toolkit has the ability use a configuration database which provides a rich opportunity for customization of an automated deployment. The configuration database is a logical extension of the configuration settings normally stored...
on10 Nov 2010

Blog Post: Advanced Deployment Scenarios using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010: (Part 1 of 7)

Reviewing the Available Options in the Deployment Workbench In this demonstration we’ll review the CustomSettings.ini file before we make any customizations to the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) . We’ll also look at what the default experience is from the client computers perspective and step through...
on9 Nov 2010


Zero Touch Installation:

Lite Touch Installation:

Differences between them: (* look at the comparison table for UDI *)

General Deployment Guidance
This topic outlines four recommended deployment strategies:
- High-Touch with Retail Media A manual process using the installation DVD and manual configuration of each computer.
- High Touch with Standard Image A manual process using a customized system image and application configurations.
- Lite-Touch, High-Volume Deployment A mostly automated deployment with some manual interaction at the beginning of the installation process.
- Zero-Touch, High-Volume Deployment A fully automated deployment using Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager.
