Monday, April 28, 2014

How to pass actor messages through websocket ?

I have an actor which is launched with application, running in the background watching for certain changes and if there are any reporting them. At the moment it just a println to the console. What I need to do is whenever there is a new message - send it to the front end using Websocket.
This is my Play Global object where the monitoring/listening actor is launched:
object Global extends GlobalSettings {

    override def onStart(app: Application) {

        class Listener extends Actor {
            //This needs to be changed to pass messages to Websocket, how?
            def receive = {
                case Create(path) => println("CREATE " + path)
                case Delete(path) => println("DELETE " + path)
                case Modify(path) => println("MODIFY " + path)

        val listener = Akka.system.actorOf(Props[Listener], "listener")
        val swatch = Akka.system.actorOf(Props[SwatchActor], "swatch")
        swatch ! Watch("/folder/path", Seq(Create, Modify, Delete), true, Some(listener))


This is my Play controller:
object Application extends Controller {

    def test = WebSocket.using[String] { request =>

        //This hopefully gets the listener actor reference?
        val listener = Akka.system.actorSelection("/user/listener")

        val (out, channel) = Concurrent.broadcast[String]
        val in = Iteratee.foreach[String] { msg =>
            //Actor messages must be pushed here, how?
            channel push("RESPONSE: " + msg)

        (in, out)


I understand that in order for websocket connection to be established there has to be an initial "in".
So my problems are:
  1. How do I modify the Listener actor to push messages to Websocket?
  2. What do I need to do to prepare the actor to push messages once the websocket connection is established?
  3. How do I push messages from the listener actor to the websocket?

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