Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Deploying Play Framework 2 apps

With this quickstart ( you’ll be able to take any Play 2 application and deploy it on openshift. Just follow this instructions.
And here ( you will find the contact demo app.
In the demo, in spite our internet connection conspiring against us, we managed to cover the following topics:
You can also check this article in which we explain in detail how we took advantage of the new “do-it-yourself” application type on Openshift to achieve native support for Play Framework application on Openshift.

Play Framework - Set Up Twitter Bootstrap

From many readings, Twitter’s Bootstrap provides good starting point for web programming. I would like to use it with Play Framework, which will provide a very versatile web application stack. I happen to find this video and this tutorial in YouTube, which makes it very simple to setup the workspace.

Note: put offline := true in plugins.sbt and then build it  with command below.
> play dist
The generated zip file contains a shell script (or batch file) to let your run it from command line.

Some Cloud platforms (such as CloudBee) support Play natively, so you can just deploy the generated zip file without using a WAR. Please refer to  

Monday, November 11, 2013

Hadoop: How to control how many map tasks can be executed in parallel

The InputFormat defines the list of tasks that make up the mapping phase; each task corresponds to a single input split. The tasks are then assigned to the nodes in the system based on where the input file chunks are physically resident. An individual node may have several dozen tasks assigned to it. The node will begin working on the tasks, attempting to perform as many in parallel as it can. The on-node parallelism is controlled by the parameter

Figure 4.5: Detailed Hadoop MapReduce data flow

Setting the number of map tasks and reduce tasks

The number of map tasks for a given job is driven by the number of input splits and not by the parameter. For each input split a map task is spawned. So, over the lifetime of a mapreduce job the number of map tasks is equal to the number of input splits. is just a hint to the InputFormat for the number of maps.
In your example Hadoop has determined there are 24 input splits and will spawn 24 map jobs in total. But, you can control how many map tasks can be executed in parallel by each of the task tracker.
Also, removing a space after -D might solve the problem for reduce.
For more information on the number of map and reduce tasks, please look at the below url
As Praveen mentions above, when using the basic FileInputFormat classes is just the number of input splits that constitute the data. The number of reducers is controlled by mapred.reduce.tasks specified in the way you have it: -D mapred.reduce.tasks=10 would specify 10 reducers. Note that the space after -D isrequired; if you omit the space, the configuration property is passed along to the relevant JVM, not to Hadoop.
Are you specifying 0 because there is no reduce work to do? In that case, if you're having trouble with the run-time parameter, you can also set the value directly in code. Given a JobConf instance job, call
inside, say, your implementation of That should produce output directly from the mappers. If your job actually produces no output whatsoever (because you're using the framework just for side-effects like network calls or image processing, or if the results are entirely accounted for in Counter values), you can disable output by also calling

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Hadoop: custom RecordReader of TextInputFormat

Problem : We want our mapper to receive 3 records ( 3 lines ) from the source file at a time instead on 1 line as provided by default by the TextInputFormat.
Approach :
  1. We will extend from  TextInputFormat class to create our own NLinesInputFormat .
  2. We will also create our own RecordReader class called NLinesRecordReader where we will implement the logic of feeding 3 lines/records at a time.
  3. We will make a change in our driver program to use our new NLinesInputFormat class.
  4. To prove that we are really getting 3 lines at a time, instead of actually counting words ( which we already know now how to do ) , we will emit out number of lines we get in the input at a time as a key and 1 as a value , which after going through reducer will give us frequency of  each unique number of lines to the mappers.

Hadoop: InputFormat and RecordReader

File is composed on 6 lines of 50Mb each
  • The first Reader will start reading bytes from Block B1, position 0. The first two EOL will be met at respectively 50Mb and 100Mb. 2 lines (L1 & L2) will be read and sent as key / value pairs to Mapper 1 instance. Then, starting from byte 100Mb, we will reach end of our Split (128Mb) before having found the third EOL. This incomplete line will be completed by reading the bytes in Block B2 until position 150Mb. First part of Line L3 will be read locally from Block B1, second part will be readremotely from Block B2 (by the mean of FSDataInputStream), and a complete record will be finally sent as key / value to Mapper 1.
  • The second Reader starts on Block B2, at position 128Mb. Because 128Mb is not the start of a file, there are strong chance our pointer is located somewhere in an existing record that has been already processed by previous Reader. We need to skip this record by jumping out to the next available EOL, found at position 150Mb. Actual start of RecordReader 2 will be at 150Mb instead of 128Mb.
  • We can wonder what happens in case a block starts exactly on a EOL. By jumping out until the next available record (through readLine method), we might miss 1 record. Before jumping to next EOL, we actually need to decrement initial “start” value to “start – 1″. Being located at at least 1 offset before EOL, we ensure no record is skipped !
    Remaining process is following same logic, and everything is summarized in below table.

    Monday, February 4, 2013

    IntelliJ grails run-app vs grails:exec

    By default IntelliJ use grails:exec to run your Grails app, but if you want to use run-app instead then you need to comment out Grails Maven Plugin in pom.xml

    Saturday, January 12, 2013

    Spring Configuration Options: XML vs. Annotations

    Spring Configuration Options: XML vs. Annotations
    The XML camp talks about separation of concerns. XML configuration is outside the classes. The whole configuration can be viewed easily in only a few files. Furthermore, configuration can change without recompiling, etc.
    Cons of XML could be that we have all these String values that need to be converted. Typos occur all over the place, they are difficult to debug, and they are not type safe because of the Strings.
    The Annotations party, like myself, like the type safety of annotations. It can also self document a class, so that you can look in the class and truly see what is being injected by Spring.
    The cons of Annotations is that it clutters the POJO, sometimes where you might say it is not a POJO anymore. If you change, add or delete, annotations require a recompilation and deployment.
    So, who wins the debate?
    Guess what: they are all correct. There is no best answer to this debate. So wouldn't it be great if we could get the 'pro' benefits of both styles and remove the cons.
    With @Configuration, we can do just that.
    @Configuration is configuration using Java classes. Each @Configuration Java class is its own configuration. Since it is Java, it is type safe, we can keep it as a POJO (with just a couple of annotations, we promise not too much), and we can have a clean separation of concerns. We will also have a single resource representing the application's configuration, and we can change it without having to change our application code.

    Saturday, January 5, 2013