Saturday, September 22, 2018

Friday, September 7, 2018

ByteBuffer flip vs rewind

flip() makes it ready for write() (or for get())
         rewind() makes it ready for read() (or for put())

get() Example;
You might want to read data from the buffer (assuming that you had initially stored it in there)and use it for something else such as converting to a string and manipulate it for further use.
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(80);
private String method(){
byte[] bytes = byte[10]; //creates a byte array where you can place your data 
buf.get(bytes); //reads data from buffer and places it in the byte array created above
return bytes;
write() Example; After you have read data from socket channel into the buffer you might want to write it back to socket channel - assuming that you want to implement something like a server that echos same message received from client.
So you will read from channel to buffer and from buffer back to channel
SocketChannel socketChannel =;

ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(80);

int data =; // Reads from channel and places it into the buffer
while(data != -1){ //checks if not end of reading
buf.flip();        //prepares for writing
socketChannel.write(buf) // if you had initially placed data into buf and you want to read 
                         //from it so that you can write it back into the channel
