Saturday, March 14, 2015

Gradle: add source dirs vs replace source dirs

Gradle uses convention over configuration which allows you to provide minimal information to build your project if you follow the standard project layout. That said everything is still configurable using a declarative style:
sourceSets {
main {
    java {
        srcDir 'src/java'
    resources {
        srcDir 'src/resources'
Because you have a real programming language you can do almost anything.

Note that this adds source directories rather than replacing them. The syntax for replacing is srcDirs = ['src/java'] and srcDirs = ['src/resources'].

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Autocomplete JTextField

Autocomplete can be very useful in just about any application, but its not trivial to implement. So here is a quick example of how you might do it in Java's Swing framework with JTextField (it should also work with JTextArea with only a few modifications). This example is a modified version of Oracle's example.