Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Deploying Play Framework 2 apps

With this quickstart ( you’ll be able to take any Play 2 application and deploy it on openshift. Just follow this instructions.
And here ( you will find the contact demo app.
In the demo, in spite our internet connection conspiring against us, we managed to cover the following topics:
You can also check this article in which we explain in detail how we took advantage of the new “do-it-yourself” application type on Openshift to achieve native support for Play Framework application on Openshift.

Play Framework - Set Up Twitter Bootstrap

From many readings, Twitter’s Bootstrap provides good starting point for web programming. I would like to use it with Play Framework, which will provide a very versatile web application stack. I happen to find this video and this tutorial in YouTube, which makes it very simple to setup the workspace.

Note: put offline := true in plugins.sbt and then build it  with command below.
> play dist
The generated zip file contains a shell script (or batch file) to let your run it from command line.

Some Cloud platforms (such as CloudBee) support Play natively, so you can just deploy the generated zip file without using a WAR. Please refer to